Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Little Bro - Garrett Reynolds 3-peats XGames BMX Street Winner!!

I am soooooooo proud today!!!
My little brother Garrett Reynolds who turns 20 years old tomorrow just took the Gold Medal 3 years in a row again today for XGames 16 BMX Street!!

I am so happy & blown away at what an amazing, awesome rider he is & couldn't be more proud of what a lovely young man he's turned into. He's made my Dad (RIP) So proud & he was definately with him today piggy backing with him for the win!!!


You can watch his final run here. He had already won the gold prior to this run, but just because he won didn't mean he wouldn't bring his A Game to the table & ride a 3rd time for a crowd pleaser :)

1 comment:

Old Paper Roses said...

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I love your Etsy shop, and now your blog too.
Love your Chihuahua stories!
I'll be back to

Love from Holland.